3 Essential Tools for Business Success
Tuesday, 4 October 2022 | 4pm start | $50.00
Long Black Café, 146 Rodney Street, Wellsford
Nibbles and Drinks Provided
Does your business reality match the dreams you had when you started?
Do you want more money, less stress and more time away from your business?
Do you struggle to adapt to change?
Join Marty from Aspire Accounting at this 90 minute seminar to learn the 3 most powerful tools for business success and how to use them.
The benefits of attending:
· Learn how you can best deal with inevitable change
· See how these tools can give you more cash, more time and less stress
· Understand the power of 1%
Implementing these 3 essential tools will help you to ensure the success of your business
Tickets are $50.00 per business
Nibbles and drinks will be provided.
Seats are limited so register now to secure your spot.
If you have any questions about this event, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
See you there,
Martyn Ecroyd